Managing Your Learning Management System

By Heather Perl in Uncategorized
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Managing Your Learning Management System

Whether employees are new or have been with your company for years, training is typically par for the course. New employees need to get acquainted with the rules and overall workings of your company, while existing employees need to stay current on regulations and best practices. One way to make training cost-effective, convenient, and easy for everyone is with a Learning Management System, or LMS.

What is a Learning Management System (LMS)?

A learning management system is a computer software program that makes it easy for organizations to create, control, and deliver e-learning courses.

Most Learning Management Systems have two distinct parts:

  • A server that takes care of the core functionalities, such as logging in users, sending notifications, delivering the data, and creating, managing, and delivering the e-courses.
  • A user interface that’s accessed by employees, instructors, and administrators.

Anyone that’s been authenticated to use the system can sign in with their password to access areas of the platform for which they’ve been authorized. Employees can sign in to complete courses, trainers can sign in to create or edit courses, and administrators can sign in to oversee and manage the system.

LMS Features to Consider

Like all software programs, each LMS comes with a variety of features that can add even greater value to your business. Some top features to consider include

  • Intuitive, user-friendly interface, which makes it easy for both employees and corporate users to understand and navigate the platform.
  • Responsive design, which adjusts the material to any device or screen on which it’s being viewed. Look for a system that lets you preview different screens as well as download options for reviewing the material when offline.
  • Reporting and analytics, which lets you track your online training. Tracking your employees’ progress through the training lets you see how quickly it’s being completed and how frequently it’s being used.
  • E-learning assessment tools, which allow you to monitor the learning process, pinpointing areas employees understand quite well, along with areas where they could use additional help. You can then adjust materials accordingly.
  • Gamifcation options, which let you add points, leaderboards, badges, and other incentives to the courses to increase engagement.
  • Certification and compliance support, which is essential for companies that use their LMS for training for regulations and compliance. The feature lets you track individual skills while keeping records you can produce during an audit.

How to Pick the Best LMS for Your Business

Choosing the best LMS for your business starts by making a list of the type of training materials you intend to use and the features you know you cannot live without. You can then start your search for the ideal LMS by matching them with your needs.

Another all-important move is to ensure your trainers, administrators, and employees are comfortable with the platform you choose. Present your chosen options and have people weigh in with their comments on its features and ease of use.

Find an LMS that makes employees happy and aligns with your needs, and you’ve found a system that can serve everyone well for years to come.

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